Henry s-a gandit sa faca un BlogRoll pentru cei care au Blog Pandanda . Uitati Regulile :
1.Blogul trebuie sa fie activ 1 luna .
2.Blogul este modificat pe saptamana .
3.Blogul trebuie sa fie despre Pandanda , cu doar cateva chestii despre alte jocuri .
4.Blogul trebuie sa aiba un link catre http://www.pandanda.com/ pe prima pagina.
5.Blogul nu trebuie sa fie in prostie.
Trebuie sa trimitem mail la Support@Pandanda.com , cu subiectul Blog Roll .
Uitati ce a scris Henry :
To request that your blog be added to the Official Pandanda Blogroll, send an
email to support@pandanda.com with BLOGROLL in the subject line. Make sure to
include your blog’s URL, the name you want the Blogroll to show for your blog,
and any special information you think we should know about your blog.
The Pandanda Team will visit each blog to decide if it meets the
requirements. If it does, the blog will be added to the Blogroll. If some of the
requirements are missing from your blog, the Team will send you an email letting
you know what you need to do to meet the requirements. We look forward to adding
your blog to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!