Henry ne-a anuntat pe blogul lui despre un nou Color Day , Rosu si verde . Trebuie sa ne imbracam in cele mai frumoase haine ale noastre verzi si rosu , si sa vedem ce a scris si pe blogul sau:
Hey Panda friends!
The Pandanda Team is busy downloading the last of the Holiday Drawing Contest entries. All of the entries that were sent by 11:59pm Pandanda Time (PST) Sunday night will be entered in the contest. Thank you for participating! The panel of judges now has the hard job of picking two winners from all of your awesome artwork! They will be judging on originality, expressiveness, colors, holiday theme, and style, and will award one prize to the “best picture drawn in a computer program” and one prize to the “best picture that is hand drawn.” Those two winners will each get a 3 month Pandanda Gift Certificate and 5000 Panda Power. Winners will be announced on my Blog this Friday, December 10th!
Now that Christmas season is in full-swing around Pandanda, let’s celebrate by having another Color Day! I declare Wednesday, December 8, 2010 as RED & GREEN DAY in Pandanda! Wear red or green Panda Paint, put on your favorite red and green clothes, and maybe even wear a Santa or Elf suit! Remember, all pandas can buy Panda Paint from the Pandanda Collection Catalog in the Clothing Co. on East Market Street. There is also a Santa hat that everyone can buy!
Make sure you are in an extra-festive mood on Wednesday’s RED & GREEN DAY, because I am planning to make surprise visits that day!
Watch for my Tweets! I’ll be taking pictures of happy pandas having fun with friends, helping other players, being kind, and spreading good cheer. That’s what this time of the year is about!
Party on, Pandas!El a spus ca va avea si o vizita supriza!
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